Friday, January 2, 2009


I talked to my nutritionist today and I was complaining about how hard this week was and how I just wanted to give up. She reminded me that changing is painful and that to grow we have to go through some pain. It made me think of how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Even leaving the cocoon is a test to see if they are ready. It takes flexing and building up the muscles they need to fly to burst forth from the cocoon. If someone came along and opened it for them they wouldn't survive. I have to struggle through this to come out on the other end stronger and more resilent and the woman that God meant for me to be not the woman I became by letting this world weigh me down. She told me to pray and ask God for guidance. I am thankful that she gave me that information and that she is supportive of my faith as well as my journey to better health. I will be praying for God to help me and give me strength and reading Krista's blog just reminded me even more to put my trust in God.


Krista said...

I'm glad that my post today helped you! I hope you have a wonderful day, and that God gives you strength.

Val said...

I really enjoyed reading this post. I have got to catch up reading my blogs. I am behind because we have a new grandbaby. Hopefully after next week it will slow down some. God Bless you. Val