Wednesday, July 29, 2009

VBS Day 2

Tonight the theme for VBS was Jesus is our provider. We discussed Elijah and how God provided food for him by sending the ravens and how God sent him to the widow and she gave him the last food she had and God blessed her her whole life because she did. The kids were awesome. I really enjoy them alot. And of course I have gotten hugged to death. I think I have averaged at least half the kids hugging me each night. Rayvn got to go tonight and afterwards when we got back to my house she wanted to play VBS and she was the leader. It is so funny, if she enjoys doing something she always plays it when we get home. I have the same recording of a song we sang tonight on my computer and she had me turn on the music so she could pretend to be leading the songs. It was so sweet. I don't get to see her enough. Jaylen and Connie came by on their way home and I got to hold him and love on him a little. All in all a good day. Pray that it won't rain during VBS tommorrow and Krista says to pray for Charlie, also.