Tuesday, July 28, 2009

VBS Day 1

Last night was the first night of our VBS and I am in charge of crafts. I don't really feel that crafty but I want to do what I can to help. I had a great time. We were learning about how Jesus is our guide. Of course, Rayvn had to say Jesus is our guidance. I thought that was so cute because it was definitely something I would probably say. We do tend to get carried away. All of the kids were so good in my class. Even the one's that usually are a little rowdy. Christian told me he promised his dad he would try to be good. I was so proud of them. We discussed how God led the children of Israel out of Egypt by following a cloud and a pillar of fire. Michael thought it was a pillow and asked me how it didn't burn them up. I told them God created all things and He can make a fire not burn you if He wants to. I love all the questions because it means they are listening and if they are asking things it means their little brains are working and analyzing what was said and they will remember it. Pray for me that I will not be nervous and that I will be able to help them learn what they need to from their teacher, Bro. Charlie.