Monday, November 24, 2008


I sort of flipped out over the weekend. My whole time was spent obsessing about food. My nutritionist had given me guidelines to go by in choosing my daily food intake. She had also put down that she wanted me to eat up to 6 times a day. Most people would probably think who hoo I can eat six times a day. Not me, I was like I have to face eating and choosing what to eat and when to stop six times a day. I sort of freaked and ate way too much and then today when I talked to her we changed plans. I am going to work on being mindful about what I eat, I am going to try to change some of my bad habits and I am going to keep writing in my food diary and taking my blood sugars and working a little at a time. I felt it was a control issue. Having a meal plan meant someone was controlling what I was eating and I wasn't in control anymore. I know what I have been doing in the past hasn't worked but I am not ready to be on a diet anymore I want to change habits and make wise choices myself not do what someone else tells me to do. That to me is not changing me it's controlling me and I have to be in charge of what I eat. I figured out since I am in the wheelchair I have lost control of all other aspects of my life but the food part. I know in the past I have been too controlling in my life and I have had to learn to give control over to my family and to God but the one little area of my life I was still controlling was what I eat. My nutritionist was so understanding and she is letting me tell her how I need her support now. I know that control is a habit I have to break but I am not ready to do that yet. Maybe someday I will be able to let go completely and stop being a control freak. I know that the part of me that is compulsive and a perfectionist has to be addressed and dealt with. I know I have to deal with guilt and other things. I know with the support of my family, friends, and nutritionist but most of all God I can conquer the problems and learn how to control my being controlling. Funny huh!


Krista said...

I understand about control. In the last 6 months, well really 2 1/2 years, it feels like God has brought me to my knees so that I would realize I wasn't in control that he was. It is so hard and I am still learning. I do feel like my relationship with the Lord is so different now. I am much closer to him, and I really do talk to him before I make any decisions. I also need to be more in control of what I eat, and not eat on my feelings or emotions. Last year I was doing really good. I would plan out everything I was going to eat for the following day, and then I would separate it into 3 meals & 2-3 snacks. It worked for me because I could eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast as long as I got all the food in and split it up. The reason I stopped was because I got tired of the constant preplanning. Sometimes I am very OCD and sometimes I'm not!

Val said...

Every day is a gift so if you mess up today, tomorrow is a new day!!!
Just keep trying.